

We are moving toward taking our POC into production. This workload is
moving from Solaris running UNIX. The environment is 3 zone
architecture. Our client's business requirements calls for this 3 zone
environment to remain separated. It requires UAL5 security level.


To this end we have six LPARS each sharing 7 IFLS with plenty of real
memory on each. One of the six LPARS is our test LPAR that will have
multiple levels of VM for testing and such.


My question: some of our folks believe that this is an excessive number
of LPARS and that it defeats the purpose of VM. Now I understand how VM
works and its' ability to virtualize reducing the need for large LPAR
configurations. I know that we could, lets' say combine our PROD and
VAL/DEV environments that are currently running in separate LPARS into
one LPAR and run a second LEVEL VM for the VAL/DEV.   My contention is
that if it is what is needed to fit the business requirements of the
client then having six LPARS is not catastrophic. We have plans for
another 16 z/Linux guests to run in the existing configuration in the
next few months not requiring additional LPARS. I am not an LPAR bigot. 


Can anyone comment in general on the pros and cons of running LPARS as
opposed to running the multiple environments under one LPAR and getting
separation logically by having multi levels of VM rather then physical
separation by having the environments running under a single level of


In the end it probably will not matter if the client insists that we
need to proceed as we are. Just trying to get a prospective of those who
are more experienced then myself!!





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