If I understand the problem correctly, this should do the trick.


parse arg where                                                      

   if where = '' then where = 'PERFSVM '                                

   'PIPE (endchar $)'

       'VMC ' where ' USER ',                                          

       '| a: locate /CICS/',

       '| c: fanin',

       '| specs 1-16 1',

       '| literal' rundate,                                       

       '| >> SUMUSE LOG A ' 



       '| b: locate /DOSVSE/',

       '| c:',



       '| locate /COMP/',

       '| c:'                   

'WAKEUP   +00:01:00'                                          



For your second problem, a 'SPECS' pipeline stage like '| specs 35-65
1-30' or possibly '| specs 35-65 1-30 1-35 35-*' if you want to keep the
data originally in columns 1-35.





-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Wilson, Roger
Sent: December 12, 2008 13:28
Subject: Using REXX/VM


I am writing an exec that reads a file pulls certain lines out and write
this data to an output file. Simple.


I am trying to use the CHARIN() and CHAROUT and I am failing miserably. 


Right now I queue the commands:


   parse arg where                                                      

   if where = '' then where = 'PERFSVM '                                

   'PIPE VMC ' where ' USER ',                                          

' | stem results. ',                                                    

' | > FCX112 RESULTS A'                                                 

      QUEUE 'BOTTOM'                                                    

      QUEUE 'GET RUNDATE'                                               

      QUEUE 'XEDIT FCX112 RESULTS A'                                    

      QUEUE '/CICS'                                                     

      QUEUE 'PUT'                                                       

      QUEUE 'QQUIT'                                                     

      QUEUE 'GET'                                                       

      QUEUE 'XEDIT FCX112 RESULTS A'                                    

      QUEUE '/DOSVSE'                                                   

      QUEUE 'PUT'                                                       

      QUEUE 'QQUIT'                                                     

      QUEUE 'GET'                                                       

      QUEUE 'XEDIT FCX112 RESULTS A'        

      QUEUE '/COMP'                                           

      QUEUE 'PUT'                                             

      QUEUE 'QQUIT'                                           

      QUEUE 'GET'                                             

      QUEUE 'FILE'                                            

            'XEDIT SUMUSE LOG A (NOM'                         

'WAKEUP   +00:01:00'                                          



This puts the whole line. I just want to put the first 16 characters of
the line found. 

Also I need to pull data from columns 35 to 65 of a file and put it into
pos 1 -30 of the output file.


I'm pretty green as far as REXX/VM is concerned, so any help would be




Roger Wilson

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