How I learned Pipes.....

1) started with some very small, linear, one function simple pipes
2) studied other folk's pipelines. This is where the old VMSHARE list really 
came in handy.
3) read Melinda's excellent tutorial papers of Pipelines; they are now found 
(and still
very valid) on the CMS Pipeline home page on the web:

At the moment, I can't reach that web site...this may be due to the very bad weather the USA Northeast has been experiencing the last few days.

Alan Ackerman wrote:
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 08:56:40 -0600, Wilson, Roger <> 

I'm beginning to find this out.

I guess I'm trying to figure out the curve and Pipes on the fly....

That's the trouble with reading manuals. You get the rules, but not the how & 
why. You
miss the folklore. In this case, CHARIN/CHAROUT/LINEIN/LINEOUT are documented, 
but IBM
does not warn you not to use them.

There is much useful folklore scattered through the pages of the this list (and
VMSHARE). But who has time to read them?

P.S. Folklore is not necessarily false. (Nor are "old wives tales".)

It is passed along informally. Originally mouth to mouth (odd expression, 
that!). I
think informal transmission by email or mailing list still counts as folklore. 
also? Wikipedia?) Once it gets written into a manual, or a FAQ, then I don't 
think it
is folklore.

Alan Ackerman Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com


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