I have a follow-up question about the EXTENT CONTROL file.... In my
ignorance, I used the same REGIONS naming convention in both production
and test. Here's an example:

This is the test system:

  *RegionId  VolSer    RegStart      RegEnd  Dev-Type  Comments
  LNX901     LNX9G6       1            END    3390-09

This is production:

  *RegionId  VolSer    RegStart      RegEnd  Dev-Type  Comments
  LNX901     LNX9F1       1            END    3390-09

It looks like to me I've shot myself in the foot by using the same
convention for the RegionId. Any suggestions on how to clean this up?

-----Original Message-----
From: David Kreuter <dkreu...@vm-resources.com>
Reply-to: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Merging DirMaint?
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:14:01 -0400

Hi Dave: for the directories on each system what I would do: 1. DIRM
USER WITHPASS 2. RECEIVE the spool file as <nodename> WITHPASS - so you
have a good copy of each systems directoy 3. Record by hand the
volser where each directory is getting loaded onto 4. for each system
run a DIRM SCAN USER and figure out which users you want to merge,
mdisks, etc. 5. copy the file you want to gerrymander and place your
diretory entries in there. Very carefully. 6. on the system you want to
place the new directory: 6a. from maint: link dirmaint 1df 1df mr 6b:
from MAINT: ac 1df l 6c: From MAINT: ERASE USER DIRECT L 6d. copy from
maint your gerrymandered directory: COPY GMANDER DIRECT A USER INPUT L2
it is important to copy it onto dirmaint 1df as fn= user ft= input 7.
rel l(det 8.hope for the best!   David Kreuter 


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of Dave Keeton
Sent: Thu 3/12/2009 12:20 PM
Subject: [IBMVM] Merging DirMaint?

I have a question regarding DirMaint and how to migrate/merge from one
release to another. Here's the scenario:

I have z/VM 5.2 running in production with DirMaint. I have 20+
instances of SLES9 & 10 and everything is running great.

I also have z/VM 5.4 running in a test LPAR which also has DirMaint, 2
instances of SLES10, as well as several CA products. I want to bring 5.4
into production.

I'm trying to determine how to merge all the directory entries for my
production systems into the test directory prior to IPL'ing z/VM 5.4 as
production. My first concern is the EXTENT CONTROL. Each instance of
DirMaint has its own DASD pool, separate from the other. I am concern
about things getting mucked up by consolidating the pools. What's the
most effective way to do this?

When z/VM 5.4 is up and running correctly, the plan is to rebuild the
test LPAR with the latest release of z/VM so we can stay on top of the

Thanks in advance,


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