Any reason you're not just using the volser as the regionid ?


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:01 AM, Dave Keeton <>wrote:

> I have a follow-up question about the EXTENT CONTROL file.... In my
> ignorance, I used the same REGIONS naming convention in both production
> and test. Here's an example:
> This is the test system:
>  *RegionId  VolSer    RegStart      RegEnd  Dev-Type  Comments
>  LNX901     LNX9G6       1            END    3390-09
> This is production:
>  *RegionId  VolSer    RegStart      RegEnd  Dev-Type  Comments
>  LNX901     LNX9F1       1            END    3390-09
> It looks like to me I've shot myself in the foot by using the same
> convention for the RegionId. Any suggestions on how to clean this up?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Kreuter <>
> Reply-to: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Merging DirMaint?
> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:14:01 -0400
> Hi Dave: for the directories on each system what I would do: 1. DIRM
> USER WITHPASS 2. RECEIVE the spool file as <nodename> WITHPASS - so you
> have a good copy of each systems directoy 3. Record by hand the
> volser where each directory is getting loaded onto 4. for each system
> run a DIRM SCAN USER and figure out which users you want to merge,
> mdisks, etc. 5. copy the file you want to gerrymander and place your
> diretory entries in there. Very carefully. 6. on the system you want to
> place the new directory: 6a. from maint: link dirmaint 1df 1df mr 6b:
> from MAINT: ac 1df l 6c: From MAINT: ERASE USER DIRECT L 6d. copy from
> maint your gerrymandered directory: COPY GMANDER DIRECT A USER INPUT L2
> it is important to copy it onto dirmaint 1df as fn= user ft= input 7.
> rel l(det 8.hope for the best!   David Kreuter
> ________________________________________________________________________
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of Dave Keeton
> Sent: Thu 3/12/2009 12:20 PM
> Subject: [IBMVM] Merging DirMaint?
> I have a question regarding DirMaint and how to migrate/merge from one
> release to another. Here's the scenario:
> I have z/VM 5.2 running in production with DirMaint. I have 20+
> instances of SLES9 & 10 and everything is running great.
> I also have z/VM 5.4 running in a test LPAR which also has DirMaint, 2
> instances of SLES10, as well as several CA products. I want to bring 5.4
> into production.
> I'm trying to determine how to merge all the directory entries for my
> production systems into the test directory prior to IPL'ing z/VM 5.4 as
> production. My first concern is the EXTENT CONTROL. Each instance of
> DirMaint has its own DASD pool, separate from the other. I am concern
> about things getting mucked up by consolidating the pools. What's the
> most effective way to do this?
> When z/VM 5.4 is up and running correctly, the plan is to rebuild the
> test LPAR with the latest release of z/VM so we can stay on top of the
> releases.
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave

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