On: Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 08:41:36PM -0400,Martin,              Terry R. 
(LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR) Wrote:

} Thanks for the information. The one thing I forgot to mention was that I
} cannot access the new addresses from the z/VM LPAR that I am copying to.
} So that is why I needed a way to make the changes before I copied the
} packs over so that when they were copied to the new the System Config
} and User Directory files would be reflecting the new system's addresses.
} I think the steps you outlined would require that both of the LPARS have
} access to the new addresses. It is not the case here. What do you think?

Have you got enough spare volumes on the "From" LPAR that you could copy
the res to one, relabel it, fix the files, load a directory, then copy to
the "dest" LPAR?

Put links in your running directory to give you write links to the
renamed respack, a full pack and the parm areas at a minimum so you will
be able to fix the files & load a directory.  You can delete them later
or just do DEFINE MINIDISK if you have the proper privs.

To load a directory, change the DIRECTORY statement to point to the
renamed res pack, making sure you have a write link to the full pack at
the address in the DIRECTORY statement and run DIRECTXA (or is it called
something else in newer systems?).  It will give you a non-zero return
code indicating that the new directory was not loaded to the running
system. RC=6 I think.  If you DO get rc=0, you did something wrong,
fix it ASAP!  Have the userid (MAINT?) that you normally load the
directory with logged on and the write link to the respack established
so you can load your usual directory if you need to.

Rich Greenberg  N Ft Myers, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 239 543 1353
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red, Shasta & Casey (RIP), Red & Zero, Siberians  Owner:Chinook-L
Retired at the beach                                     Asst Owner:Sibernet-L
  • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Mark Wheeler
      • ... Mark Wheeler
        • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
          • ... Rich Greenberg
          • ... Mark Wheeler
            • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Jim Bohnsack

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