On Apr 26, 2009, at 9:44 PM, Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR) wrote:


I am using SWAPGEN to define by z/Linux VDISKS I also want to define a real disk for swap. My question is can I use SWAPGEN to define a swap on real DASD? If you have an example of the control card syntax to accomplish this that would be great?

Why bother?

Since real DASD is persistent, once you make a swap disk in Linux the first time, you just keep it around. The reason for SWAPGEN is that VDISK goes away on logout, and it was a pain to modify the boot process to add the swap signature before a swapon -a is done.

  • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Mark Post
    • ... Adam Thornton
    • ... Barton Robinson
      • ... Scott Rohling
        • ... Rich Smrcina
          • ... Scott Rohling
            • ... Mike Walter
              • ... Rich Smrcina
                • ... Rob van der Heij
            • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
              • ... Marcy Cortes
                • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)

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