On May 1, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Gary M. Dennis wrote:

Could you elaborate on why use of SFS via NFS “Sort of makes the z guys twitchy”

I'm not the original poster who made that comment, but I understand it.

Taking a perfectly nice file system and remapping it twice (to NFS, and then through Samba to CIFS or whatever it is) seems like two attempts to pound a round peg into a square hole when a more elegant solution might have been possible. Even if the remapping tools are well designed and well maintained, it's still two cases of reducing things to lowest common denominators and trying to infer equivalencies based on those lowest common denominators instead of getting a pure look at what's there.

We're used to elegant solutions. We're used to clean looks at our APIs and preserving the distinctive characteristics of what we work with. Taking an elegant file system and stuffing it through two file systems, both of which have their detractors, reminds us of how sausage and laws are made.

Says me, anyway. I'm barely a "z guy" anymore, but that's my take on it.


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