On May 15, 2009, at 2:14 PM, Miguel Delapaz wrote:


What does NETSTAT DEV say?

Well, *IT* says that my interface there is not working, and TCPIP startup bears this out:

Device ETH1                    Type: OSD            Status: Inactive
Queue size: 0     CPU: 0     Address: 7008        Port name: UNASSIGNED
IPv4 Router Type: Primary    Arp Query Support: No
IPv6 Router Type: Primary
Link ETH1                  Type: QDIOETHERNET   Port number: 0
Transport Type: IP
Speed: 100000000
BytesIn: 0               BytesOut: 0
Forwarding: Enabled      MTU: 1500            IPv6: Configured
IPv4 Path MTU Discovery: Disabled
Broadcast Capability: Unknown, but previously not available
Multicast Capability: Unknown

The relevant bit of TCPIP startup is:

14:55:58 DTCOSD066E OSD device ETH1: ToOsd ProcessReadBuffer: Termination failur
e code F6
14:55:58 DTCOSD355E OSD device ETH1: Possible LAN transport misconfiguration det
ected during OSD device initialization.
14:55:58 DTCOSD082E OSD shutting down:
14:55:58 DTCPRI385I    Device ETH1:
14:55:58 DTCPRI386I       Type: OSD, Status: Inoperative
14:55:58 DTCPRI387I       Envelope queue size: 0
14:55:58 DTCPRI497I       Address: 7008  Port Number: 0

HELP DTCOSD066E doesn't seem to help.


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