On May 15, 2009, at 3:24 PM, Miguel Delapaz wrote:

> I defined it to TCPIP with DIRM NICDEF.... and I don't see any way
> to specify whether I mean Layer 2 or Layer 3. I just defined it as QDIO.
> I think my cough syrup is failing me.  How do I tell DIRMAINT, "no,
> really, QDIO *ETHERNET*" ?

Huh...that appears to be an "interesting" oversight on our part. I've forwarded your note off to the dirmaint developer for verification, but it doesn't look like it's possible at this point.

Um, OK....then how do I specify it in the directory entry? I don't mind doing a DIRM GET, editing the damn thing, and then doing a DIRM REPLACE.....but what do I edit it *to* ?


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