On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:44 AM, Schuh, Richard<rsc...@visa.com> wrote:

> Setting up 2 test servers is not a problem. Devising the conditions where
> one might cause the other problems could be difficult when resources are
> limited. First-hand experience in the real world would be a much better
> measure.

There was discussion about this on the list in July 2008.
We used to have a setup like this where the PROFILE EXEC of SFS1 would
access its directory in SFS2 and refer to that file mode on the
DMSPARMS. My problem with that was that when SFS2 was restarted for
some reason, the directory was released in SFS1 and nothing would help
access it (apart from poking in SFS control blocks to issue a CMS
command to fix it).

Sue pointed out that the proper way is to refer to the SFS directory
rather than the file mode. So the only thing to take care of is that
you schedule the control data backup often enough that it does not
happen by accident when you have the other SFS down for service.


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