I get the US IBM Announcements and this was in it today.



William D Carroll wrote:
Also,  Did you catch this part of the announcement=0D=0A"IBM Europe, Middle=
 East, and Africa Marketing Announcement ZA09-0015"=0D=0A=0D=0ASo sorry eve=
ryone else, we have to wait this time around,  no 6=2E1 for us yet :)=0D=0A=
=0D=0A=0D=0AWilliam 'Doug' Carroll=0D=0AMainframe Systems Eng Sr I=0D=0AGlo=
bal Technology Infrastructure=0D=0AECS Core Services z/Software Group / Eme=
rging Technologies=0D=0ARedHat Certified Engineer:  805008304430937=0D=0A=
=0D=0A=0D=0A-----Original Message-----=0D=0AFrom: The IBM z/VM Operating Sy=
stem [mailto:ib...@listserv=2euark=2eedu] On Behalf Of Alan Altmark=0D=0ASe=
nt: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:37 AM=0D=0ATo: ib...@listserv=2euark=2eedu=0d=
=0ASubject: Re: z/VM 6=2E1 - IBM Preview Letter=2E=2E=0D=0A=0D=0AOn Tuesday=
, 07/07/2009 at 02:25 EDT, Ivan Warren <i...@vmfacility=2efr> =0D=0Awrote:=
=0D=0A> Found this little link in my weekly announcement summary :=0D=0A> =
=0D=0A> =0D=0Ahttp://www=2Eibm=2Ecom/vrm/newsletter_10576_5350_121006_email=
_DYN_1IN/fremt106679968=0D=0A> =0D=0A> Basically, it's z/VM 6=2E1=2E=2E Don=
't know if anyone had said anything about=0D=0A> it previously=2E=2E=0D=0A=
=0D=0ANo, we haven't said anything about z/VM 6=2E1 prior to this announcem=
ent=2E=0D=0A=0D=0A> Anyway=2E=2E the most striking "feature" I see in this =
literature is that=0D=0A> z/VM 6=2E1 is =2E=2E=2E z10 ONLY !=0D=0A=0D=0ATru=
e=2E  We wanted to exploit instructions that are available only on the =0D=
=0Az10=2E=0D=0A=0D=0APlease also note these important items as well:=0D=0A-=
 z/VM 5=2E4 end of service moved to 30 Sept 2013 (was 2011)=0D=0A- z/VM 5=
=2E4 will continue to be orderable to support older servers=0D=0A- Statemen=
t of Direction: z/VM Single System Image=0D=0A- Statement of Direction: z/V=
M Live Guest Relocation=0D=0A- Statement of Direction: Withdrawal of DNS se=
rver (NAMESRV)=0D=0A=0D=0AAlan Altmark=0D=0Az/VM Development=0D=0AIBM Endic=
ott=0D=0AThis communication is for informational purposes only=2E It is not=
=0Aintended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of=0Aany f=
inancial instrument or as an official confirmation of any=0Atransaction=2E =
All market prices, data and other information are not=0Awarranted as to com=
pleteness or accuracy and are subject to change=0Awithout notice=2E Any com=
ments or statements made herein do not=0Anecessarily reflect those of JPMor=
gan Chase & Co=2E, its subsidiaries=0Aand affiliates=2E=0D=0A=0D=0AThis tra=
nsmission may contain information that is privileged,=0Aconfidential, legal=
ly privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure=0Aunder applicable law=2E If y=
ou are not the intended recipient, you=0Aare hereby notified that any discl=
osure, copying, distribution, or=0Ause of the information contained herein =
(including any reliance=0Athereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED=2E Although this =
transmission and any=0Aattachments are believed to be free of any virus or =
other defect=0Athat might affect any computer system into which it is recei=
ved and=0Aopened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that =
it=0Ais virus free and no responsibility is accepted by JPMorgan Chase &=0A=
Co=2E, its subsidiaries and affiliates, as applicable, for any loss=0Aor da=
mage arising in any way from its use=2E If you received this=0Atransmission=
 in error, please immediately contact the sender and=0Adestroy the material=
 in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard=0Acopy format=2E Thank you=
=2E=0D=0A=0D=0APlease refer to http://www=2Ejpmorgan=2Ecom/pages/disclosure=
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Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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