As I need a regular IBM Manual, I read it from the CD/DVD the first time
and while I have it open, I use the File/SaveAs function to put a copy
in my own manuals folder with a name I can recognize. Then when I am
finished with it, I email a copy of that newnamed pdf to my home address
to populate my home copy of manuals.

Some levels of Windows let you have a Title column in the file list
window and ALL IBM manuals have a proper title tag in their pdf copy. I
just haven't played with it enough to have it on ONLY for the
directories I want.

/Tom Kern

Scott Rohling wrote:
> As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible
> or not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on
> my laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..  
> But I have issues using them:
> -  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
> readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am
> often inconsistent).
> -  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
> -  The process is entirely manual
> So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would
> be nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies
> of the pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart
> enough to suck the title out of the web page as well and use it to name
> the file locally.   But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?
> Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM
> documentation? (if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)
> p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get
> the whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it
> handles checking for changes? 
> Scott

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