On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Scott Rohling<scott.rohl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get the
> whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
> checking for changes?

The first speed-up is to block all the surfing statistics that IBM has
added to the various pages. I measured it to be more than 50% of the
time it takes to load the page (whether I sit in Europe or in the US,
no excuses there).  I modified the HTML page that lists all the books
so that it points to the local copies of the PDFs for the ones that I
have here handy. In fact, I even have the copy of the monitor record
layout local on my thinkpad, but that may not be something everyone
else needs that often ;-)

And I'll do it again with next release (if any).


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