I have a couple quick and dirty KEDIT macros that I run against the HTML 

index page to build COPY commands that will copy the cryptic file name 

from the CD to another drive and name it as the manual number and title 

(taking care of special characters in the process).

Brian Nielsen

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 08:21:52 -0600, Scott Rohling 
<scott.rohl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>As I am often in locations where internet access is either not possible 
>not allowed, I really like to keep the official z/VM documentation on my

>laptop.   I know there are web pages with all the PDF files, etc..   But
>have issues using them:
>-  The PDF files are named with the manual number, rather than a human
>readable title.   I usually end up renaming them when I download (and am

>often inconsistent).
>-  I'm never sure I have the 'latest and greatest'
>-  The process is entirely manual
>So I'm wondering what other people do to keep local copies..   It would 
>nifty to have something that checked the web pages for newer copies of t
>pdf files and did 'wget' or something on them - and was smart enough to 

>the title out of the web page as well and use it to name the file locall
>But - maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of?
>Anybody have a nice way to deal with 'replicating' the z/VM documentatio
>(if your a Notes user, you'll understand the 2nd verb)
>p.s.  Hmmm..  I bet I can use wget with the right incantation and get th
>whole website to my laptop along with PDFs..   but not sure it handles
>checking for changes?

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