

I have defined a ICC console (36B) I added this address in the System
Config as the console and specify it on the LOAD parameter at IPL time.
After the IPL operator was logged on to the ICC console without a
problem. I decided to logon to Operator HERE at my desk so it took it
away from 36B to me. Now I want to XAUTOLG OPERATOR ON 36B. When I try I
get the following error message:


HCPAUT051E GRAF 036B is not enabled


I display the device 36b and it says it is enabled: 


q 36b             




Is this happening because I defined it as a console and I cannot
XAUTOLOG Operator? Any help would be welcome.


Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Information Technology

z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning

Cell - 443 632-4191

Work - 410 786-0386



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