How many IFLs are we talking about here? At a guess, if you are going fro
m 4 to 8 IFLs, you won't 
see any MP effect, but if you are going from 30 to 60 IFLs, you will defi
nitely see an MP effect. 

What I can remember about the MP effect:

The MP effect is determined by the operating system and by the workload. 
It is not simply a 
hardware effect at all. If two or more processors access the same memory 
location -- one will 
have to wait. Memory operations are much faster if the data is in cache t
han if it is in memory and 
has to be brought into cache. Further, if processor A has a particular pi
ece of memory (a cache 
line) in cache, and processor B changes that piece of memory then the dat
a in processor A's cache 
must be removed (cast out) or A and B would see different values in the s
ame memory location. 
This cast out slows down processor A, since it must now access that piece
 of memory from 
storage instead of from cache.

If you were to set up each of the processors to access its own private ar
ea of memory, with no 
shared memory at all, then the MP effect would be zero. So it is the shar
ing of memory by 
operating systems and applications that causes the MP effect, not the har
dware itself.

Shared resources are protected by locks. Locks in turn have a particular 
shared memory location, 
and (especially in the case of spin locks) may consume cycles just testin
g the lock. So shared 
resources also lead to MP effects. 

If a virtual machine is moved from running on one processor to running on
 another one, it leaves 
its cached data behind, so will run slower on the new processor for a whi
le. This is also 
considered an MP effect. 

The early VM/XA did away with most locks by allowing many operations only
 on the master 
processor. At the time, when the number of processors was small, this wor
ked really well, but as 
the master processor gets busier (especially if it gets up close to 100% 
busy) then the other 
processors will end up waiting on the master processor. This is also an M
P effect. As Barton said, 
IBM has done a lot to reduce this master-processor serialization, but at 
the cost of adding more 
locks, which can themselves cause MP effects.

VM was always had a much lower MP effect than MVS by its nature. Individu
al virtual machines 
have separate storage, except for shared segments. These are mostly read-
only, so after loading 
the cache, the multiple copies can reside in different processor caches w
ith no conflict, and there 
is never a need to cast it out since it never gets updated. (The exceptio
n is the shared-write 
segments used by GCS.)

In MVS every address space shared common storage areas (LPA, SQA, low sto
rage) so there was 
inherent conflict. In addition, CP provides far fewer services for VM gue
sts than MVS does, so there 
are far fewer locks needed. 

In addition, with large numbers of small guests (typical CMS workload) it
 was very easy for VM to 
maintain processor affinity, so each guest tended to be dispatched on the
 same processor each 
time, that means higher speed memory access since more data will still be
 in cache.

I don't know what the effect of Linux is on all this. I'm sure VM's algor
ithms and hardware are far 
more sophisticate than Linux or VMware on Intel, so the MP effect is much
 lower. I think I've seen 
the chart, and it was based on theoretical calculations and not on the ac
tual workload 
measurements that used to be done by the Washington Systems Center to cre
ate the LSPR.

The increase of the number of processors from 16 to 60 obviously means th
e MP effect is much 
more important to large systems. In addition, z10s are NUMA processors (N
on-Uniform Memory 
Access) so memory access speed varies depending on where in memory a part
icular data item 
resides -- each group of processors has some data that is close to it and
 some that is farther 

There is also another VM-like operating system, PR/SM, in every System z.
 It too can have MP 
effects, if you share processors between LPARs. If you have both IFLs and
 CPs, the CPs have no 
affect the MP effect for the IFLs. (At least until we get to z/VM-mode LP
ARS that mix them.) 

z/OS has a new feature HiperDispatch to help reduce the MP and NUMA effec
t. In the Austin 
SHARE proceedings, see “2831 - System z10: HiperDispatch From a Sysprog
 Perspective.” It 
involves cooperation between PR/SM and the z/OS dispatcher.

I should warn some of you that I haven’t done much performance work in 
the last 10 years. I’m 
sure I’ve missed or oversimplified things. If anyone knows of a good re
ference on the MP effect, 
I’d like to read it. Is anyone aware of any work on MP effect when runn
ing Linux guests on z/VM?

Alan Ackerman

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