I guess as the one who got bit, I'd offer one easy suggestion...

The finger check asked for 9728G (9.7+T), VM unceremoniously chopped it to 8T as the architecture limit. Why not have an option (not enabled by default) in the SYSTEM CONFIG file that says Max_Virt_Size. It could take numbers (like the USER storage specification), or OFF to indicate no checking. And maybe something like RSS for Real Storage Size to say you can't logon with or define storage to more than the amount of Real Storage.

And if you really wanted a full circle, then a directory option that said this one user could override that setting.

That said I'm kind of swamped for the next two weeks, but after that if someone wants to coach me on writing a requirement, I will...


Alan Altmark wrote:
On Wednesday, 09/16/2009 at 09:14 EDT, RPN01 <nix.rob...@mayo.edu> wrote:
I don't think, in this case, it is the user causing the problem at all.
user didn't define their storage allocation, and in practice can't do
at all. So the user didn't set up the situation which caused the
issue, the system administrator did.

That was my point to Marcy: Not an integrity problem. The system is obeying the sysadmin's instructions.

To my mind, if this requires addressing, it should be in the DIRECTXA
command, so as to help the system administrator in avoiding aiming the
at his toes.

DIRECTXA has no context in which to make such warnings. Placing limits at LOGON would only apply to resource availability to hold the needed control structures. When the guest begins to run and actually use all that memory, then another line of defense is needed.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott


Lee Stewart, Senior SE
Sirius Computer Solutions
Phone: (303) 996-7122
Email: lee.stew...@siriuscom.com
Web:   www.siriuscom.com

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