(there you can use HTML if you like, and multi-part emails)

Oh yes... I remember having learned recently that Outlook has a setting to
"reflow" text lines (that is: Outlook then ignores -some- of the CRLFs).
The same mail looked fine in Lotus/Notes, but wrong in Outlook, until the
Outlook user found that setting, he didn't know why it got turned on for
that mail.  And, yes, it was created by MAILIT.

2009/10/1 Schuh, Richard <>

>  I am trying to send a report to e-mail addresses on a Windows based LAN
> using SENDFILE. Originally, the RECFM of the file was V. When the report
> arrived, the 5th line was concatenated to the 4th and the 10th to the 9th.
> All other lines were correct. There are no weird bytes at either end of any
> of the records. For the record, the current LRECL is 94, lines 4 and 5 are
> each 49 bytes, 9 is 50 and 10 is 32.  There are other consecutive records
> having lengths that match either the 4-5 or the 9-10 combinations. This does
> not appear to be a record length problem
> I have tried various things while attempting to fix this:
> 1. x'15' at the end of every line. No concatenation, but every line was
> double-spaced.
> 2. x'15' at the end of lines 4 and 9. No concatenation, but 5 and 10 were
> double-spaced.
> 3. x'0D' at the end of each line. No affect, the error still occurred the
> same as the original failure.
> 4. x'0A' at the end of each line. Error still occurred, and there was a
> small square at the end of each line.
> 5. x'0D0A' at the end of each line. Double-spaced, concatenation still
> present, square as above.
> 6. Copied the file making the RECFM F, LRECL 94. Success. Other LRECLs > 94
> also work.
> Just for grins, I tried using HTML enrichment. The result was chaos, even
> if I sandwiched the report between <pre> and </pre> tags.
> Now for the questions:
> Why just those two concatenations?
> Should any of those attempts have succeeded while the RECFM was V?
> I am perfectly willing to create the report as RECFM F. That will, however,
> require that I either make the LRECL something at least as large as the
> largest possible record (which is unknown at this time) or create the file
> as format V and then use
>         'COPYFILE fn ft fm (RECFM F'
> To convert it before sending the mail. The latter is the method that will
> cause the least pain.
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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