Richard Schuh

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Edward M Martin
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: SENDFILE with SMTP

Hello Richard Schuh,

Did you use the SMTP or MIME option in the SENDFILE?

Ed Martin
Aultman Health Foundation
ext 35050
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Schuh, Richard
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 7:16 PM
Subject: SENDFILE with SMTP

I am trying to send a report to e-mail addresses on a Windows based LAN using 
SENDFILE. Originally, the RECFM of the file was V. When the report arrived, the 
5th line was concatenated to the 4th and the 10th to the 9th. All other lines 
were correct. There are no weird bytes at either end of any of the records. For 
the record, the current LRECL is 94, lines 4 and 5 are each 49 bytes, 9 is 50 
and 10 is 32.  There are other consecutive records having lengths that match 
either the 4-5 or the 9-10 combinations. This does not appear to be a record 
length problem

I have tried various things while attempting to fix this:

1. x'15' at the end of every line. No concatenation, but every line was 
2. x'15' at the end of lines 4 and 9. No concatenation, but 5 and 10 were 
3. x'0D' at the end of each line. No affect, the error still occurred the same 
as the original failure.
4. x'0A' at the end of each line. Error still occurred, and there was a small 
square at the end of each line.
5. x'0D0A' at the end of each line. Double-spaced, concatenation still present, 
square as above.
6. Copied the file making the RECFM F, LRECL 94. Success. Other LRECLs > 94 
also work.

Just for grins, I tried using HTML enrichment. The result was chaos, even if I 
sandwiched the report between <pre> and </pre> tags.

Now for the questions:

Why just those two concatenations?

Should any of those attempts have succeeded while the RECFM was V?

I am perfectly willing to create the report as RECFM F. That will, however, 
require that I either make the LRECL something at least as large as the largest 
possible record (which is unknown at this time) or create the file as format V 
and then use

        'COPYFILE fn ft fm (RECFM F'

To convert it before sending the mail. The latter is the method that will cause 
the least pain.

Richard Schuh

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