DITTO/VM does that:
 Process   View   Options   Help                                         
DITTO/ESA for VM             Task Selection Menu                         
Select the desired task or enter a DITTO function code, then press Enter.
Use the Menu key to display the menu panel with DITTO function groups.   
 12  1. Browse data                                                    
       2. Edit or update data                                            
       3. Work with VTOC                                                 
       4. Work with VSAM catalog                                         
       5. Backup/restore CMS files                                       
       6. Print data                                                     
       7. Copy data                                                      
       8. Locate data                                                    
       9. Change data                                                    
      10. Create data                                                    
      11. Position a tape                                                
      12. ----- Tape Specific Functions ------                           
      13. |                                               |      
      14. | Select the desired function:      | 
          |                                                | 
          |       1. Summarize tape contents |    
          |       2. Print label summary         |    
          |       3. Compare two tapes          |     
          |                                                 |        
          |       4. Write tape marks             |   
          |       5. Initialize tape                   |      
          |       6. Erase tape                      |    
          |                                                |    
          | F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel   |   
  --- On Thu, 10/8/09, Aria Bamdad <a...@bsc.gwu.edu> wrote:

From: Aria Bamdad <a...@bsc.gwu.edu>
Subject: Re: zVM 'disk wiping'
Received: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 5:54 PM

It would be nice if the CMS TAPE command had a DSE option.  I pass tapes
through a degausser but would feel a lot better if I ran a DSE command where
the tape was erased from beginning to end.

 --- snipped  ---

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