I always just use the phone. Most of the time you get someone that
speaks pretty good English. 

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Brian Nielsen
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Fed-Up With IBM Support!

My apologies in advance, but all I can think of is:

"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

Brian Nielsen

On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 11:31:43 -0400, Michael Coffin
<michaelcof...@mccci.com> wrote:

>< VENT >
>You know what, I recall a day when IBMLINK ran on 3270 terminals and 
>when you entered search criteria on a problem you'd ONLY get VALID 
>your OS and problem (not 3,000,000 keyword hits 99.999999% of them 
>having NOTHING to do with your OS or your problem!).  I recall a day 
>when you
>call IBM Software Support at 1-800-237-5511 (burned into my memory from
>20 years of calling), immediately connect to KNOWLEDGABLE professionals
>could quickly help you identify if your problem was known/existing or
open a
>new problem report, and this was all done in clear, easily understood 
>Now we have IBMLink 2000, ServiceLink, Passport/Advantage, ShopzSeries,
>etc. etc. etc.  Each of which seems to require its own userid/password 
>combination, and none of which is "simple" or "easy" to use!
>I have spent the past TWO HOURS trying to open a software support 
>ticket using IBM.com, and am now going to GIVE UP and use the phone the

>"old fashioned way".
>1.     I sign in to "IBMLINK 2000" using my userid and password.
>2.     I searched for any records associated with my existing problem
>(TCPIP abending, FWIW) - no recent hits.
>3.     I tried to open a Service Request.  That takes you to a screen 
>you have to enter your "IBM ID" and password, which is not your 
>and password.
>4.     I call the IBMLINK Help Desk at 1-800-543-3912 to figure out
>IBM ID it is asking for.  They take my name and phone number and tell 
>me "someone will call you back".  I guess it would be TOO efficient to 
>let me talk to someone immediately!
>5.     Someone from IBM (IBMLINK Help Desk) calls me back.  We walk 
>the exact same process I went through above until I am asked for my 
>again.  He looks it up and tells me what it is.  I enter THAT id and 
>password only to have the website come back and tell me I'm not 
>authorized to do anything (even though I am the ONLY registered user on

>I ask him to fix the account.  He tells me I need to call the Software 
>Support Help Desk at 1-800-426-7378, options 2-2.
>6.     I call the Software Support Help Desk using the options
>We very quickly discover this is NOT the right number to call for 
>problems with "Passport/Advantage".  It's the software defect support
numbe (e.g.
>what formerly was on 800-237-5511).   The IBM'er gives me that phone 
>7.     I call IBM Passport/Advantage Help Desk at 1-800-978-2246.  I
>describe my problem to the IBMer.  He tells me IBM Passport/Advantage 
>does not provide Help over the phone and that I must go to 
>www.ibm.com/software/support to get the problem with my 
>Passport/Advantage account authorizations straightened out.
>8.     I go to www.ibm.com/software/support - this is not a web page to
>request Passport/Advantage support!  It's yet another "search" page!  
>The only reference to Passport/Advantage on this page is under "Buying 
>and managing support", which is basically a page to convince you to buy

>I give up!
>For crying out loud IBM, can't you have a SINGLE sign-on for a customer

>to be able to access ALL of the services/entitlements that they've paid
>Why do I need an IBMLINK id/pw, an "IBM" (presumably Passport/Advantage

>- although that's NOT what I'm prompted to enter!) id/pw, a
>id/pw!  And when all of these accounts get out of synch, how about ONE 
>support phone number with ONE knowledgable professional who can RESOLVE
>problem FULLY, instead of bouncing customers around from phone number 
>to phone number, ultimately being directed to a web page that doesn't
>Sorry folks, I just had to vent............. !!!
>< /VENT >

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