On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Michael Coffin <michaelcof...@mccci.com>wrote:

>  < VENT >

> For crying out loud IBM, can't you have a SINGLE sign-on for a customer to
> be able to access ALL of the services/entitlements that they've paid for?
> Why do I need an IBMLINK id/pw, an "IBM" (presumably Passport/Advantage -
> although that's NOT what I'm prompted to enter!) id/pw, a "ShopzSeries"
> id/pw!  And when all of these accounts get out of synch, how about ONE
> support phone number with ONE knowledgable professional who can RESOLVE the
> problem FULLY, instead of bouncing customers around from phone number to
> phone number, ultimately being directed to a web page that doesn't exist!
> Geez!!!
> < /VENT >

The lady that sits across from me in the office is responsible for out
IBMlink and Passport access.  I feel so sorry for her when someone has a
problem she has to call IBM about. She gets bounced from person to person,
patiently explaining the problem, again and again, only to be bounced to
someone else.  It's a miracle that she hasn't snapped and cursed someone

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems
1700 Summit Lake Drive
Tallahassee, FL. 32317

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