On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 15:53, Paul.Raulerson wrote:
> Don't know what you consider a lot, but as of right now, I am pretty well
> convinced that 
> there is a bug, and a rather nasty one at that, in the LVM code. 
> Do you do much adding and/or removal of DASD to your Linux instances?  If
> not, it would be 
> interesting to hear what happens when you do try to add additional DASD to
> the Linux guest, 
> and from there on into the LVM. 
> Perhaps it is human error. The question is where? :) 
> -Paul

I can't resist: it is definately human error. But whose error? The
likelihood that it is a hardware failure is so remote as to be
impossible. Especially if it is repeatable.

"To err is human. To really mess up requires a computer."

John McKown

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