
Use 'TYPE E' and 'MODE B' rather than 'bin' and 'quote site fix 80'

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM Development

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 11/04/2009
10:51:13 AM:

> Hi all,
> I have a little knowledge problem here.  I'm trying to FTP in binary
> a fixed reclen 80 file to another z/VM host system. Here's part of the
> bin
> >>>TYPE i
> 200 Representation type is IMAGE.
> Command:
> quote site fix 80
> >>>site fix 80
> 200 Site command was accepted.
> Command:
> put l10200.vmarc
> >>>SITE VARrecfm        <<===== This is supplied by z/VM
> 200 Site command was accepted.
> >>>PORT 10,4,23,2,87,217
> 200 Port request OK.
> >>>STOR l10200.vmarc
> As soon as I enter the "put" command, a SITE VARrecfm command is
> supplied by z/VM and the file ends up as VARIABLE on the remote
> side.  I'm trying to FTP binary and get FIXED on both sides.  If I
> download to a PC and then FTP back up to the remote z/VM, I don't
> see this problem because my Windows FTP doesn't "invent" a SITE
> VARrecfm command.
> Your suggestions/input would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dave Booher

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