On Monday, 12/07/2009 at 02:19 EST, "Gentry, Stephen" 
<stephen.gen...@lafayettelife.com> wrote:
> Hmm, interesting comment, have I re-IPL'd.  The z9 was shipped with the
> feature code. We've had it for quite a while and have IPL'd numerous
> times.  This then leads me to believe that I have to do something in the
> LPAR definition on the HMC?  I have looked at the activation profile for
> our LPAR and there is a CRYPTO link. Clicking on that, I see that no
> boxes are checked.  This is where the doc get's confusing.  Am I
> supposed to check mark some boxes if I have CPACF? The way the doc
> reads, leads me to think you only use these options if you have the full
> blown crypto card installed in the box.  That being said, where can I
> find some doc. etc. that more or less gives a step by step walk through
> of what to do?

Ignore what I said before.  I did more research:

- If the CPC Details window shows "CP Assist for Crypto Functions [CPACF]: 
Installed" then CPACF is installed.  I believe POR is required if the 
feature is installed after delivery, so if the machine is up, the 
instructions are available.

- If CPACF is not installed, QUERY CRYPTO will display "No CAM or DAC 
Crypto Facilities are installed".  [Don't ask.]

- Any other response to QUERY CRYPTO indicates CPACF is installed.

> > The results I get when I issue a QUERY CRYPTO command:
> > q crypto
> > Crypto Adjunct Processor Instructions are not installed
> > Ready;

So you have CPACF installed and this jives with the guest's report.

> The guest reports that CRYPTO hardware assist is available.  But I don't
> know how/what it is checking.  Is it checking for the feature? Yes,
> that's installed.  Is it active for the LPAR? I don't know, I don't
> think so (depends on your reply to the LPAR question above.)

So now you have to figure out why the guest is taking so long.   "What 

Here is a program to tell you if CPACF is installed.  Note that the 
instructions are part of an architectural group called "Message Security 
Assist".  CPACF is the name given to implementation, not the architecture.

* c) GENMOD 
         USING *,R12 
         LR    R12,R15 
         LR    R10,R14 
         LHI   R0,1     # dwords 
         TM    STFLEBUF+2,X'40'  MSA?
         BZ    NOMSA 
         APPLMSG TEXT='CPACF is installed' 
         SLR   R15,R15 
         BR    R10
NOMSA    DS    0H 
         APPLMSG TEXT='CPACF is not installed'
         LHI   R15,1 
         BR    R10 
         END   QCPACF

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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