> Mirroring does not replace good backup tapes: an accidental ERASE or FORMAT 
> is mirrored perfectly well to your DR site.

Yes. Mirroring does not make any tape backups redundant, but they do
drop to plan B in case of disaster. They remain plan A if you lose a
file or a disk and even then FlashCopy and its brothers may give you a
quicker solution. They (tapes) are the only plan if you lose both
sites. Now, *that* would be a DR test, if someone would pay for it.

> Secondly: if you simply have a two copy mirror, performing DR tests means you 
> break the mirroring during the test and at that time you no longer have a 
> mirror.

Yep. During the test and a few hours after the test until re-sync is
done. But those tape backups are still there.


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