We are looking for a replacement to our current backup methods and are 

looking for recommendations.  We are currently running several Linux 
virtual machines on two VM LPARs and have been backing these up, as well 

as our VM system volumes, via our z/OS system using ADRDSSU. We also use 

TSM to give us database file level restores for data within our linux 
systems. However, things are changing and we need to find a replacement 

method for the ADRDSSU backups.  Our z/OS system is very outdated (V1.3) 

and is slated to be decommissioned soon. We are considering purchasing 

either IBM's Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM, or CA's VM:Backup to 

server our immediate needs.  And in the future perhaps other VM Managemen
products offered by IBM (Operations Manager, Tape Manager) or CA (VM:Tape
VM:Schedule, VM:Operator, etc.).  Has anyone evaluated these products, 

especially for backup, and have a recommendation on which is better to 

use?  Are there any other options we should be considering?  TIA.

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