On Wednesday, 12/16/2009 at 09:21 EST, David Boyes <dbo...@sinenomine.net> 
> :grump.
> On 12/16/09 5:03 PM, "Alan Altmark" <alan_altm...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> > So.  You had to push the Do Not Push button?  ;-)  You are painting 
with a
> > too-wide brush.  "Better" is in the eye of the beholder.  When 
choosing an
> > ESM, you need to assess, aside from cost:
> *sigh*
> While your points are well argued, I spend a lot of time actually using 
> product suites, and have recently done a point-by-point examination of 
> the IBM suite and the CA suite in question. I'm not out to bash either
> company -- I have no great love for CA or CA products -- but this is one
> case where the IBM offering is just not yet as well integrated nor as
> complete. CA (as the last in a chain of companies) has had a lot longer 
> actually get VM:Manager working and polished during the time while IBM 
> pretty much ignoring CMS management tooling, and it really, really 
> It's possible to implement anything with either one, but I would measure
> "better" in this case by how much additional stuff I need to layer on 
top of
> a product to make it easy to use and understand. I need to write or 
> a lot more additional stuff to make the IBM suite easy to use and
> understand.
> To your specific point about ESMs, for my recent comparison, I needed to
> write about 2200 lines of EXECs to do a set of functions using 
> Providing the same checklist of functions with DIRM and RACF required 
> than 27,000 lines of additional code, and two additional program 
> both of which required a special bid process to run on IFLs.

Well, sure, if you're trying to write a Grand Unification program for the 
IBM toolset, then I would expect a far larger bill than for CA.  They have 
done an admirable job of creating a *suite* of tools.  No arguments there.
> > - Functionality.  If you need mandatory access controls, then RACF is, 
> > the best of my knowledge, the only choice.
> Except the IBM backup and tape products don't pay any attention to RACF
> whatsoever. Neither does DIRMAINT for authorization. You're in a maze of
> twisty little config files, none alike.

True, but that's not the functionality I was talking about.  I meant the 
functionality of the ESM itself.

> Yes, I wrote requirements. IBM even read them. SMOP. Someday. Play the 
> "show us the business case" tape. Curtain. Two encores. Film at 11.

Putting RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH calls in the IBM subsystems is, in fact, on 
the to-do list. 

> I'd also question how much effort it takes to implement zSecure in a 
> way -- it needs a LOT of extra effort and thought to reach any kind of
> configuration simplicity. Been there, done that, got the glitter jacket 
> the diamond piano ring. Not for the faint of heart, or for the n00b.

We, having never installed zSecure before, got it running in an afternoon. 
 I did discover that they failed to document how to start it with ISPF 

In fact, I modified my CKV exec as follows:
  arg fname . '(' parms ')' 
  if rc <> 0 then 
      exit rc 
This information will be fed back to the zSecure folks.  I'm not sure how 
they missed that.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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