On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Les Koehler <vmr...@tampabay.rr.com>wrote:
>Expanding on what Phil said:
>- Always put Address Command at the top of an ordinary Rexx exec.
>- Quote and capitalize all commands to the underlying system.
>- Use the *full* CMS command
>- Direct CP commands to CP via: 'CP whatever'
>- Abbreviate CP commands that are inside of a loop to improve performance. 
>Ditto in execs that get used a *lot*

>Unlike Phil, I think these *are* significant! They will save you hours of 
>misery and much embarrassment.

Oh, I do think they're *very* significant! I guess I meant that they weren't 
major hits in his example, and that I wasn't trying to nitpick. I preach this 
in every Rexx presentation I give. Sorry to have given the wrong impression, 
and thanks for correcting it.

However, "abbreviate CP commands that are inside of a loop to improve 
performance" strikes me as unlikely to be worth it: all it takes is one 
maintainer after you having to look up what an abbreviation means to have lost 
any potential savings. What are you trying to avoid? Page faults from PLISTs 
crossing page boundaries? A few cycles in CP parsing a string?


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