Guys, please realize what I put forth works for ME, and it is up to YOU
to either use it, modify it, or throw it in the trash. As it stands, it
works perfectly well for its limited intended purpose in my plain-jane
VM admin environment. I usually don't shoot for "elegant" or "proper"
when I want it quick and functional, so I apologize for that. You can
hang stuff all over it all day long until it looks like the Elephant
Man, and it won't work one bit better. 

Now if this were a scheduled production routine, or distributed to my
3000+ end users, or involved a few hundred lines of code, there would
naturally be more optimization and checking built in. So in this case
take it or leave it for what it is - just a quick and dirty admin
construct that helps relieve over-taxed memory cells. Again, SFSLIST on
the IBM downloads page is more polished and the one you want for
prime-time use. 

Your critiques are well intended but I hope they don't dissuade others
from posting their little tricks of the trade that we can all benefit


> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System 
> [] On Behalf Of Les Koehler
> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 3:28 PM
> Subject: Re: An SFS aid
> Expanding on what Phil said:
> - Always put Address Command at the top of an ordinary Rexx 
> exec.
> - Quote and capitalize all commands to the underlying system.
> - Use the *full* CMS command
> - Direct CP commands to CP via: 'CP whatever'
> - Abbreviate CP commands that are inside of a loop to 
> improve performance. Ditto in execs that get used a *lot*
> Unlike Phil, I think these *are* significant! They will 
> save you hours of misery and much embarrassment.
> Les
> Phil Smith III wrote:
> > Ray, much nicer. Three nits:
> > 
> > 1) DO FOREVER is usually preferable to DO WHILE 1 for readability.
> > 
> > 2) ADDRESS COMMAND is usually preferable to ensure 
> consistent operation: you don't want things breaking because 
> some user has a PIPE EXEC, for example.
> > 
> > 3) Avoiding abbreviations is usually preferable for the 
> same reason: you don't want it to break because some user has 
> a Q MODULE on their disk. (If they have a QUERY MODULE on 
> their disk, they're already confused by why it doesn't seem 
> to get invoked -- that's just how the CMS search order works!)
> > 
> > None of these are significant but since you're putting it 
> out there as an educational exercise...
> > 
> > ...phsiii
> > 

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