And, if you install CPOMM's "free, as is, tool" CMMOUSE plus some REXX
scripts (requires REXX on your workstation), you can use menu's to logon
and/or do other actions.  For example when I get an 'RDR FILE FROM' message,
a mouse click on it calls "PEEK nnnn".  The Filelist file menu includes a
"download" option.

At my former customer, I had to manage many VM systems, hence many PCOMM
sessions, with such a REXX script, I changed the window title to indicate
which VM system it was connected to and which userid was logged on there.
I must admit though that these scripts were created in a VM/VTAM era,
meaning that when one selected another VM system on the LOGON popup menu
than the one connected too, my script sent a VMEXIT and waited for a VTAM
panel to then send a LOGON command to connect to the wanted VM system.
But, even with Telnet, it is still useful: I've got no scripts to go to
another VM system, but Logon, LOGON BY and window titles are still very

I can send anyone a ZIP with this stuff, but it is up to you to unravel the
logic, and to find CMMOUSE itself (I don't own that).

2010/3/11 Colin Allinson <>

> *Tom Duerbusch <>* wrote:-
> > Currently we are running TUBES/GCS session manager.
> > Well, seems the company that took over Macro/4 is raising prices, as in
> double.
> We used to use VTAM as our primary console access method and needed session
> manager software as a result. We moved away from that because of the cost
> and limitations (in number and characteristics of sessions). We now have no
> VM/VTAM at all.
> > So, we are now looking at other VM/VTAM session managers.
> > Multiple TN3270 sessions really is going to be a hard sell.  We have some
> users that have 10-15 sessions active.
> I do work with multiple TN3270 sessions and often have more than 10-15
> sessions open (we support 8 different systems). Once you get used to it, it
> is extremely easy and flexible. You can have as many sessions on your
> desktop as it can support and, if you want another session to the same
> target, you can just click on 'run the same' and - hey presto - there you
> are!
> > Also, we have some coax users....
> That is good. You don't want all your eggs in one basket in case you have
> to perform some TCPIP maintenance on your system. I assume that, just
> because you have a COAX connection, there is no reason why you cannot also
> use TN3270 connections (in fact for most of your work)
> > So, what products are out there, that:
> > 1.  Can be used as VSE Consoles (i.e. dial vse 01f) and can support
> IPL'ing VSE systems.
>       I don't see any issue with that
> > 2.  Can switch between about two dozen sessions.
>       Yes
> > 3.  Can keep all the sessions active, if the PC/Terminal is disconnected.
>       Not sure how you mean. My sessions stay active when my PC is locked.
> > 4.  Would be nice to do cross domain to VSE VTAM for CICS sessions.
>       ?
> > 5.  Support 3270 Model 2 thru Model 5 terminals.
>       Yes - and non-standard sizes as well. I mostly use 43x160 sessions
> > A lot cheaper than $20K per year for Tubes/GCS.
>       Yes - how about $0K per whatever period you want
> *
> Colin Allinson**
> *Amadeus Data Processing GmbH

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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