very large mondcss segments do not impact performance, only small ones do.


On Mar 30, 2010, at 11:21, RPN01 <> wrote:

Our MONDCSS grew, perhaps too large, while fighting this type message a long time ago. Once the problem was resolved, we didn't attempt to back off the changes we'd made, and the large size doesn't seem to hurt anything at the moment. I know that ultimately, making the segment larger was not the answer
to the problem at the time, either.

Also, Mr. Nunsford says hello.

Robert P. Nix          Mayo Foundation        .~.
RO-OE-5-55             200 First Street SW    /V\
507-284-0844           Rochester, MN 55905   /( )\
-----                                        ^^-^^
"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/30/10 12:57 PM, "Eginhard Jaeger" <> wrote:

There is no single 'right' MONDCSS size for all systems: it's about
so 'it depends'. The MONDCSS has to be large enough to allow the CP monitor to place all the monitor records you told it to collect in that storage
area. Since
most users just go and enable whole domains, it's the domains generating the
number of monitor records that one wants to watch. For sample records that
on most systems, the I/O domain, where you could end up with tens of
of devices already years ago when I still worked with VM. Be aware that the monitor will create a device activity record 3 of 268 bytes and a cache
record 4 of 264 bytes for each DASD, and they must all fit simultaneously
the MONDCSS, together with all the other monitor records.
(And, as mentioned in another append, the default SAMPLE CONFIG size is
often too small for so many devices and has to be made larger.)

But there's one general rule that has not yet been mentioned in this thread:
let the MONDCSS overlay the storage of the virtual machine that is doing the data collecting, in this case PerfKit, or it will not be able to use it.

While your MONDCSS looks VERY large to me, I'm admittedly out of date as far as current I/O configurations are concerned, and you apparently ended up with it for a good reason, after a trial and error phase with smaller sizes.
Can you tell me the number of I/O devices that your VM sees and is
data for?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Munson" <>

That does not look like it is large enough.

here is my definition

MONDCSS  CPDCSS     N/A    08000  0FFFF   SC  R

It can work for a while but if the segment is not large enough it will
soon fail.

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