On 4/6/10 8:42 PM, "Les Geer" <lg...@vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

>> My question:
>>   Is there any way to get RSCS to send the usercode?  What PARM
>> statement would I use?
> Which RSCS LPR exit are you using?  LPRXONE does not currently include
> the -o record in the control file sent to the printer.  You would need
> to modify the exit to add it.  Unsure if the printer would accept
> a usercode via a PCL or postscript command.  If so, then you could add
> it via the prefix eparm.

If you're willing to set up a Linux guest between RSCS and the printer, CUPS
has a concept of an "instance", which is basically a package of options for
a particular printer. The neat thing is you can use plain LPR (which RSCS
does speak without problem) to talk to cups-lpd, and RSCS can specify the
printer name as <printer>/<instance>, and you get the job options added to
the job when it passes through.

You set up the instances on the Linux side with lpoptions, including the
magic user code, and on the RSCS side, you point it at the Linux guest and
the printer name is <printer>/<instance>, and you're done. No mods, no fuss,
and users can modify the instances if you put them in the lpadmin group on
the Linux guest. Also adds IPP support, encrypted printing, authentication,
and a whole bunch more good stuff that RSCS will probably never get.
This trick works really well for signature fonts or doing forms flash over
output from RSCS, BTW.

Would anyone find an appliance to do this useful? I could probably whip
something up. 

-- db

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