We have had a very strange and unusual message today on our z/VM 5.4 

I had a report that our zLinux guests were not accessible (putty, ping, 
ssh all no good).  I logged on to MAINT OK but soon after when I had 
issued a command I got the following messages.

 10:29:47  * MSG FROM MAINT   : DMSITM319T Machine check interrupt was 
encountered; MCIC = X'4002AFBD 400B0000 00000000 00000000'
 10:29:47  * MSG FROM MAINT   : DMSITM319T Disabled wait entered, please 
HCPGIR450W CP entered; disabled wait PSW 000A0000 817C009E

CMS would not IPL but I could IPL 190.

When I tried to start the zLinux guests they initially failed with the 
messages above because they IPL CMS but when I IPLed 190 and ran the 
profile etc to start linux I saw

HCPMCV1459E The virtual machine is placed in check-stop state due to a 
system malfunction with CPU 00.

After a while we IPLed the VM system and all appears to be OK.

Has anyone else seen such strange behaviour?


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