What are you going to use DFSMS for?  ATL management?

I ran into this issue but it doesn't affect us.  We only use DFSMS for
ATL management.

Seemed that if you used all the bells and whistles of DFSMS then you
needed 3380s.

In addition, I think IBM recommends the use of SFS for all the file
areas which means 3380's  aren't needed.



From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Mark Pace
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 1:33 PM
Subject: DFSMS install


I'm confused. 

The DFSMS program directory has a note

Critical Information

The 500 & 5FF minidisk must be 3380 dasd.  Emphasis IBM's.

mdisk 0500 3380 001 001 $$$$$$ MR

mdisk 0500 3380 001 001 $$$$$$ MR


Yet the sample directory entries provided in VSM221B  PLANINFO have 3390
as the devtype.

mdisk 0500 3390 001 001 $$$$$$ MR

mdisk 0500 3390 001 001 $$$$$$ MR


Is the program directory incorrect or is the provided sample incorrect?
Does it really matter? 

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems
1700 Summit Lake Drive
Tallahassee, FL. 32317

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