I would ask him to explain 'with z/OS being present' - and then ask him to
explain 'native'   ;-)   Maybe those words don't mean what he thinks they do
or what you think they do?   The 'presence' of z/OS seems especially
ambiguous in his statement..  what the heck does that mean?   Lurking
nearby?  ;)

z/VM can run a z/OS guest, which can run CICS..   there's no 'z/VM CICS'

Scott Rohling

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Howard Rifkind <vmes...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> A friend of mine stated that CICS can run native under z/VM with z/OS being
> present.
> I find this hard to believe and have never heard of this being done in any
> size, shape or form.
> I think he is blowing wind.
> Can anyone comment on this.  If there is any truth in this please advise
> where I can find some documentation on this.
> Thanks

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