I have a 2nd TCPIP machine, TCPX, that isn't a secret but has not been advertised. If I need to restart the main TCPIP, I just make sure that I'm connected thru TCPX.


On 7/30/2010 11:58 AM, Dean, David (I/S) wrote:
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How can I remotely bounce TCPIP without using by HMC?  I want to send a com=
mand, say from maint, that would shut it down and subsequently bring it bac=

David M. Dean
Information Systems
BlueCross BlueShield Tennnessee

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ail disclaimer:  http://www.bcbst.com/email_disclaimer.shtm

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<div>How can I remotely bounce TCPIP without using by HMC?&nbsp; I want to =
send a command, say from maint, that would shut it down and subsequently br=
ing it back.</div>
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<div>David M. Dean</div>
<div>Information Systems</div>
<div>BlueCross BlueShield Tennnessee</div>
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James Bohnsack
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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