You need an alternative to TCPIP, like VTAM, PVM or local terminals
(OSA-ICC do it).
One zLINUX with privileged class using VMCP can send the FORCE/XAUTOLOG
commands too.
Or, some kind of automation to check when TCPIP are out and restart it,
like Operation Manager or PERFSVM (with PROP). Something with the ability
to timely send a command to TCPIP, interpret the answer and FORCE/XAUTOLOG
it when the answer is bad.

Regards, Clovis

  From:       "Dean, David (I/S)" <>                        
  To:         IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU                                           
  Date:       30/07/2010 12:52                                                  
  Subject:    ipl tcpip                                                         
  Sent by:    The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>           

How can I remotely bounce TCPIP without using by HMC?  I want to send a
command, say from maint, that would shut it down and subsequently bring it

David M. Dean
Information Systems
BlueCross BlueShield Tennnessee

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