>>> On 8/12/2010 at 10:44 AM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"
<terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov> wrote: 
> I have a dilemma. All of my z/Linux DASD volumes are formatted for a
> VTOC on cylinder zero so that I can leverage the z/OS DFDSS backups of
> these volumes. No problem, however I am getting this one guest ready for
> DR and as such running DFDSS on z/OS to accomplish this. This particular
> guest has 2 volumes that do not have z/OS VTOC (Dedicating them in the
> Directory entry) therefore DFDSS receives the ADR307E: error message
> basically because there is no z/OS VTOC.

Dedicating volumes don't have any affect on whether there is an OS VTOC on it 
or not, it's how Linux was told to format them.  If, during dasdfmt, CDL was 
specified (or taken as a default) there should indeed be an OS VTOC that would 
allow it to be varied online to z/OS.  (It was kind of the whole point of 
creating the CDL format.)  If they are CDL formatted and there is no VTOC, then 
you have a huge bug that needs to be dealt with.  If they are LDL formatted and 
not CDL, then you need to change your procedure to format them.

Mark Post

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