
Those messages indicate that you have serviced HELP files (HCPSBHLP) and
the "national language support" files for American English (HCPSBAME) and
Upper Case English (HCPSBUCE).  The HCPSBxxx files represent VMSES/E build
lists for the HELPSEG, NLSAMENG, and NLSUCENG DCSS (shared segments).   You
need to run the shared segment build steps to rebuild these segments.

Mike Donovan

| From:      |
  |George Henke/NYLIC <>                            
| To:        |
| Date:      |
  |10/27/2010 11:10 AM                                                          
| Subject:   |
  |Re: Maintenance Warnings                                                     
| Sent by:   |
  |The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>                      

ty, all.

Though not warnings, do the following messages need some action?

Do these segments get rebuilt automagically by PUT2PROD or must I rebuild

****  PPFNAME: SERVP2P  COMPNAME: CP               BLDID: 5VMCPR40  ****
****            Date: 10/26/10            Time: 18:42:21            ****
BD:VMFSBR2000I Objects in segment build list HCPSBHLP EXEC have been
BD:            built or deleted. Any segments using this build list will
BD:            have to be rebuilt.
BD:VMFSBR2000I Objects in segment build list HCPSBUCE EXEC have been
BD:            built or deleted. Any segments using this build list will
BD:            have to be rebuilt.
BD:VMFSBR2000I Objects in segment build list HCPSBAME EXEC have been
BD:            built or deleted. Any segments using this build list will
BD:            have to be rebuilt.
BD:VMFBLD2180I There are 0 build requirements remaining

 Michael Donovan <>                                  
 Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System                                
 <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>                                              To
 10/27/2010 11:01 AM                                                    cc
                Please respond to                           Re:        
          The IBM z/VM Operating System                     Maintenance
            <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>                       Warnings   


There are actually two answers to your first question.

1, The "restrictive RMODE" message is an annoyance, not a problem. The
CEEBCKRI MODULE is built correctly. The warning occurs because of the
(mis)placement of some DSECTs during the compile stages and the way the CMS
loader works.

2. The IFREQ message is not related to the "restrictive RMODE" message. PTF
UK59535 is the SSL server performance and scalability enhancements, which
relies on a change to the CMS queue management in a DCSS function. This
message is telling you that if you applied UK59535, you really, really,
really need to apply UM33112. VMSES/E does not force the application of
IFREQ PTFs. It just flags them to you with the VMFAPP2112W message.

I cannot answer your second question yet. I need to speak to someone else
who is not available until later today. If no one else can answer the OSA
question before that, I will get you an answer later.

Mike Donovan

George Henke---10/27/2010 10:38:59 AM---Even though everything finished
successfully when I applied maintenance yesterday, I received some
 From:    George Henke/NYLIC <>            
 To:      IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU                                      
 Date:    10/27/2010 10:38 AM                                          
 Subject: Maintenance Warnings                                         
 Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>      

Even though everything finished successfully when I applied maintenance
yesterday, I received some warnings which prompt the following 2 questions.
I have not PUT2PROD yet.

Question 1: Does the restrictive RMODE cause the RO IFREQ message below
and, if so, do I need to rerun this without the RMODE restriction?

**** Date: 10/26/10 Time: 18:39:45 ****
WN:DMSLIO994W Restrictive RMODE encountered in CSECT CEEBCKRI.
WN:DMSLIO994W LOAD continues below 16Mb.
RO:VMFAPP2112W PTF UK59535 has a IFREQ requisite for PTF UM33112 in
RO: product 5VMCMS40 (CMS component for z/VM 5.4.0)

Question 2: Do I need to copy these objects to the workstation? I don't
think so.

WN:VMFBDC2250W The following OSA objects have been built on BUILD0 100
WN: (K) and should be copied to your workstation:
WN:VMFBDC2250W The following VMHCD objects have been built on BUILD0 300
WN: (I) and should be copied to your workstation:

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