Ok, Sorry George, I (who can type) find that offensive. The biggest challenge the z/vm platform has to grow is lack of people that understand 3270, or are even interested. Or do y'all want the platform to die as "us people that can type" get old, retire? vmware is winning the battle world wide with their gui and now are the base line for virtualization. So we either conform to how the world has changed, or be the dinasour they think we are.

If you look at "http://vm2.velocitysoftware.com/zpro";,
this is our demo system of what we're going to ship as "ZPRO". ZPRO started as a simple cloning tool, but now has turned into a project to address z/VM's real needs, hoping to attract the minds and hearts of future generations.

George Henke/NYLIC wrote:
Please tell ur laughing friends that GUI, *point and click*, is for people who can't type.

In the mainframe world and particularly z/VM you not only need to know how to *type* but also *think* the old shibboleth of IBM, which made it great, and which George Bernard Shaw claimed occurs among us only once or twice a year, though he claimed he could think once a week.

GUI is *smoke and mirrors*, dream stuff.

OTOH, Mainframe, *Green Screen*, or whatever is a real operating system which does the "thinking", really processing, since computers can't think, behind the GUI curtain.

*Jeff Gribbin <jeff.grib...@gmail.com>*
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

11/23/2010 07:54 AM
Please respond to

        The old VM/ESA CMS GUI - Does it still live?


Greetings folks,
Some recent discussion brought to mind the old CMS GUI Facility that ship
with VM/ESA 2.1 - and now I'm in a position where I might for the first t
actually be able to configure a z/VM system to allow me to play with the
beast, I got to wondering if it even still exists.

The best I've been able to find in the way of IBM documentation is:


I found an interesting reference to a 2004 z/VM GUI project -


but alas that seems to have since sunk without trace.

So ... a few questions ...

Anybody using it?
Anybody prepared to admit they're using it?
Anybody know if it's still maintained in any current form?

This is purely a personal learning exercise triggered by the aforemention
conversation and my recent exposure to young sysprogs (< 25 years old) wh
tend to love what CP and CMS can do but fall about laughing whenever the
user interface is discussed. All comments gratefully received.


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