Ahhhhhhhhh, the halycion days of the 2714 and 2260, before all this jazz, 
I remember it well.

Earlier this year I had an opportunity to return to those callow years by 
working again as an COBOL application  programmer for a client who had 
installed FEPI on a massive CICS/DB2 application. 

They did this so they could *dumb down* the end user job description and 
hire less expensive customer service staff who only needed to *point and 
click*, not *type* or even think for that matter.

The FEPI application they used was a vendor package that did little more 
than screen scraping to produce the desired GUI effect.

For some strange reason, management simply could not understand why their 
CPU time had grown astronomically while their transaction volumes had 
decreased significantly.  They were outsourced to IBM and therefore very 
CPU cost conscious.

The increase in CPU time coincided precisely with the cutover from *green 
screen* to FEPI.

The problem was that the FEPI program created transaction paths through 
scores of CICS *green screens*, so that when the end user clicked a few 
icons to process just 1 transaction, it triggered dozens of CICS *green 
screens*, ie CICS transactions.  This was very obvious in emulator mode. 
When you clicked just a few icons to enter a transaction you could see 
dozens for CICS screens fly by under the covers.

So any savings in hiring less expensive customer service staff was more 
than absorbed by the enormous increase in CPU time charges from IBM.

But that was nothing compared with the editing problems introduced by all 
this into the COBOL application programs.

It seems when the vendor installed the *screen scraping* they failed to 
incorporate the BMS map field editing rules in their window filtering and 
under FEPI,, BMS is turned off. 

So the end result was numerous 0C7's because the underlying COBOL 
application code was expecting BMS to check numeric fields for IF NUMERIC, 
but BMS was not longer in the picture, no pun intended ;-).

So we all spent much of our time adding editing logic into the application 
programs which had formerly been performed very efficiently by BMS and 
which now had to be done in the code because the FEPI screen scraper had 
preempted BMS and failed to incorporate the filtering.

It was a very labor-intensive, time-consuming, inefficient process and use 
of time by both man and machine with a long change control process to go 
through to implement each fix.

All because the end user did not feel like typing or thinking.

There is a price to be paid for such a luxury.

And  . . .

"All that glitters is not gold" as this case proved.

This company had previously tried to convert their legacy COBOL CICS/DB2 
application to client server and failed and had finally resigned 
themselves and  formalized it into company strategic policy, to stay with 
mainframe COBOL architecture.

OOP, UNIX, SQL Server, etc, etc, simply could not do the processing the 
old structured COBOL CICS/DB2 did.

OOP has been likened to going through airport security.

FEPI was just an attempt to "put lipstick on the pig" because they could 
not convert the *pig*.

One insurance company I know had some nice new GUI applications, but still 
had *green screen* for their old main insurance application.

I asked them why they had not *put lipstick on this pig*?

They said they had thought of doing so, but had done rigorous time and 
motion studies and had just found that 3270 *green screen* was 
ergnomically more efficient, at least for this application, if not in 

The idea in the FEPI situation was to *dumb down* the  customer service 
job so the end user did not have to type or even do much thinking.

Ergo, GUI is for people who can't type and to some extent either can't or 
,at least, don't think. 

But please do not be offended, because that is not necessarily a bad 

As other listers have well pointed out, it does open the door for many 
others who might otherwise not have had a job and it provides a seamless 
path to higher skills for those who are conscientious enough to take 
advantage of the opportunity.

"Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so"  Shakespeare


RPN01 <nix.rob...@mayo.edu> 
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
11/23/2010 02:33 PM
Please respond to


Re: The old VM/ESA CMS GUI - Does it still live?

He said he liked typing, not killing trees...
Bob Nix

On 11/23/10 1:30 PM, "Mark Post" <mp...@novell.com> wrote:

>>>> On 11/23/2010 at 10:19 AM, George Henke/NYLIC
>>>> <george_he...@newyorklife.com>
> wrote: 
>> Please tell ur laughing friends that GUI, *point and click*, is for 
>> who can't type.
> If you really believe that, then I would like to hear your reaction 
> giving up your 3270 emulator and doing all your work from a 2714.
> Mark Post

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