Hmm - without a workstation agent I guess this might be a non-runner -
shame, I think I'd have learned a lot from trying to get it working
even if I'd only ever got as far as getting the CMS Desktop to
(sort-of) function.

I empathise with the young folk because I can still recall the
challenge it was for me to embrace the paradigm-shift from,
'green-screen / command-line' to GUI when somebody first dumped a
Windows PC on my desk and instructed me to start using it (it took my
well over a year to even realise that it made sense to learn to mouse
with my, 'wrong' hand so that I could still make notes with my,
'writing' hand).  z/VM is great but if I want young people to
willingly choose to adopt and explore its capabilities (rather than
simply take a minimalist approach of, 'install, configure, maintain')
it would be a big help to be able to show them the capabilities
through paradigms with which they are familiar.

OK, I have the problem that in my experience GUI's are really good for
doing things that you've already thought of but appear to struggle
when you want to do something new, whereas CMS is all about doing new
things and it's of course trivial to combine line-mode commands
together in previously unthought-of ways - but it does now indeed seem
a shame that we allowed to atrophy a mechanism apparently specifically
designed to allow us to GUIfy new ideas.

Ho hum - I guess I'll just have to be even more charismatic <grin> in
the hope that I can get a few folk over that initial high hurdle
called, 'No GUI' in my efforts to guide them into the <ahem> promised

Thanks for all the feedback.

(BTW, There's a redbook, 'out there' - 'SG24-2452-01 CMS GUI Facility
Developer's Guide' but it doesn't look as if either of the, 'official'
manuals - SC24-5789 and SC24-5724 ever made it into, 'online manual

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