Hi Mike,

We use CA-VTERM multi-session manager, it changes the nodeid on the
bottom right to the CMS userid, but that's probably not a viable
solution for you, since that is probably more dollars than your client
wants to spend. Don't know how they do it, but there is no CP mod
(since I am in charge of CP and I certainly didn't apply a mod). VTERM
We also have some users using a version of the RDYMSG exec you have
been been given a couple of times on this thread.
This was discussed on the list last year and a few other times, and
the DMSUME change has been the suggested option instead of changing
the nodeid value in each thread.
Joyeux Noel!


On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Horlick, Michael
<michael.horl...@cgi.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a user who would like to have his userid displayed instead of the
> system identifier in the status area at the bottom of the screen. Is that
> possible?
> He has quite a few 3270 VM/CMS sessions open and would like to quickly
> identify who is logged on to what screen.
> Thanks,
> Mike Horlick
> CGI Montreal

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