On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 14:12:02 -0600 Ron Schmiedge said:
>Hi Mike,
>We use CA-VTERM multi-session manager, it changes the nodeid on the
>bottom right to the CMS userid, but that's probably not a viable
>solution for you, since that is probably more dollars than your client
>wants to spend. Don't know how they do it, but there is no CP mod
>(since I am in charge of CP and I certainly didn't apply a mod). VTERM
>We also have some users using a version of the RDYMSG exec you have
>been been given a couple of times on this thread.
>This was discussed on the list last year and a few other times, and
>the DMSUME change has been the suggested option instead of changing
>the nodeid value in each thread.
>Joyeux Noel!

Arty's SESSION will do that.  From the Help file:

             SESSION VMUSER1 PF3
will cause a Logical Device to be created for VMUSER1 and the VM logo
to be directed to the user's virtual console. The Session name "VMUSER1"
will be placed into the status area of the 3270 display to facilitate
identification of the active Session. The user may continue the Session
by clearing the LOGO and issuing a DIAL or LOGON command.


>On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Horlick, Michael
><michael.horl...@cgi.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I have a user who would like to have his userid displayed instead of the
>> system identifier in the status area at the bottom of the screen. Is that
>> possible?
>> He has quite a few 3270 VM/CMS sessions open and would like to quickly
>> identify who is logged on to what screen.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike Horlick
>> CGI Montreal

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