Moving this question from CMS-PIPELINES to IBMVM, since I am assured by
John Hartmann that it cannot be done with CMS Pipelines.  Anyone figured 

out how to get it to time out?

Sender:       CMSTSO Pipelines Discussion List <CMS->
From:         "Ackerman, Alan" <>
Subject:      Time out a CMS command

Is there a PIPELINE idiom to force a CMS command to timeout after a
certain length of time?

I am issuing:


Occasionally (about once a week), this hangs for a long time (18 hours
the last time) and then returns with RC = 55.

I can live with RC=55, but not with my virtual machine being tied up fo
18 hours. (There are other VMSCHED jobs it should be running.)

From:         "Schuh, Richard" <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

Look at the beat stage. It may work for this problem.

From:         "John P. Hartmann" <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

The pipeline is dead in the water while the CMS command is executing;
no way it can force a timeout.  If you have two virtual machines to
play with, the situation is different.  Then you can send the command
and wait for a response with STARMSG and send HX when it times out.
Whether CMS reacts to the HX is another matter.

From:         Rob van der Heij <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

Some SFS commands have the ability to hang forever and prevent any
recovery. I recall we did some check right before these, just to make
sure the remote file pool is actually alive. But I don't remember
which check it was, maybe Bruce or Rod can fill in the blanks...

From:         "Ackerman, Alan" <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

I suppose I can just CP FORCE the hung userid. I'm not sure what state
that would leave SFS in, though.

Date:         Tue, 21 Dec 2010 20:16:34 -0500
From:         Rich Greenberg <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

If you don't find a fix, instead of running it from VMSCHED, have
VMSCHED autolog another service machine for the actual LISTDIR.  It
wouldn't be a problem if the extra SVM gets hung.

Date:         Wed, 22 Dec 2010 12:09:49 +0100
From:         Rod Furey <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

Methinks Holger did it this way:

start up a thread or two via multitasking CMS
set up a timer on one thread
set up the access (or whatever) on the other thread
if the access completes before the time ticks, kill the timer thread
if the timer thread ticks before the access completes, kill the access

Don't ask me about the ramifications of doing this and what happens
about cleanup. Multitasking CMS was never an area I hit before I went
in search of other work.

I do recall that the dev group did discover some problems in the mtCMS
area at the time.
I would hope that they've been fixed by now.

Date:         Wed, 22 Dec 2010 08:07:34 -0500
From:         Bruce Hayden <>
Subject:      Re: Time out a CMS command

I haven't looked at this in years!  But, looking at the code, you have
it essentially correct.  The only sticky part is that the code doesn't
attempt to do an access, but tries to simulate some kind of SFS
communication via APPC, which I'm sure is not a documented interface
(it is coded in the exec as a long hex string.)

Anyway, the best approach for the rest of us to this problem would be
to use 2 userids, as was already suggested.  I doubt it would have any
affect on SFS.  If this happened to my own id, I just enter #CP IPL
CMS to cancel the APPC wait and recover and there was never a problem
in SFS after the communication was fixed or reset.

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