I was close but not quite correct. Here is the result after testing:

/* */
parse upper arg input                  
'PIPE (END ?) CP QUERY NAMES',           /* Get UID's                 */
  '| SPLIT at str /,/',                  /* split into lines          */
  '| LOCATE /- DSC/',                    /* Only disconnected         */
  '| specs w1 1',                        /* get names                 */
  '| strip',                             /* remove blanks             */
  '| sort 1-8',                          /* sort                      */
  '| pad 8',                             /* Make sure length 8        */
  '| a: lookup 1.8 1.8 master',          /* Compare                   */
  '| count lines',                       /* how many found            */
  '| var iffound',                       /* number of names found     */
  '? var input',                         /* names parsed from cmdline */
  '| split',                             /* split into lines          */
  '| pad 8',                             /* make sure length 8        */
  '| a:',                                /* into lookup               */
  '| hole',                              /* drop names not in input   */
  '? a:',                                /* tert.  output unref       */
  '| cons',                              /* display                   */
  '| count lines',                       /* How many not found        */
  '| var ifnotfound'                     /* number of names not found */

Regards, Berry.

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