On Thursday, 01/06/2011 at 03:53 EST, George Henke/NYLIC 
<george_he...@newyorklife.com> wrote:
> tyvm, all. 
> Looks like console is defined as 3215 
> Guess this has not been working for some time and just noticed now. 
> I suppose I can just change this to 3270 and all will be well. 
> PROFILE MVSID                         
> * OPTION TODENABLE                   
> OPTION TODEN                         
> MACHINE ESA 4                         
> IPL CMS                               
> CONSOLE 01E 3215                                       

You can, but it won't help, as CMS will set it back to a 3215 since CMS 
doesn't know how to speak to a 3270.  When the PROFILE EXEC is ready to 
IPL MVS, it needs to issue "CP TERMINAL CONMODE 3270" immediately prior to 
"IPL".  Add commentary to the exec to tell future sysprogs not to insert 
anything between the two commands.

Since you don't have OPTION D8ONECMD, you can actually do the TERMINAL 
CONMODE 3270 and IPL in the same CP command:
  "CP TERMINAL CONMODE 3270" || x2c(15) || "IPL whatever"

This tends to help avoid accidents.

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
IBM Endicott

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