On Thursday, 02/17/2011 at 02:37 EST, Sherry Everhart 
<severh...@maccnet.com> wrote:
> I need some clarification.  I'm trying to figure out how to use DVDs to
> install z/VM 5.4 under z/VM 5.2.  In Chapter 4, Plan Your DVD
> Installation, in the "Guide for Automated Installation and Service," 
> Installation methods, Second-level Installation, one of the User ID
> requirements is:
> "If installing from a VM minidisk, access to a CMS-formatted minidisk 
> is the equivalent of at least 4500 3390 cylinders."
> Our 3390-3 volumes have only 3,339 cylinders on them.  What am I missing
> here?

That is a bit confusing, isn't it?  It means that if you want to do an FTP 
install (annoyingly, yet understandably, documented as a subset of the DVD 
install) AND you want to use the VM FTP server, THEN you will need the 
equivalent of 4500 cylinders to contain the contents of the DVD.  If 
you're actually installing from some other FTP server, then you follow the 
3GB guideline.

Of course, you can always use SFS to hold the DVD contents (not a DVD .iso 
image!) since it aggregates multiple minidisks into a single filepool. 
Follow the instructions for uploading the DVD contents via FTP, but CD 
VMSYSU:MAINT.VM54  (for example, assuming you have done all the SFS admin 
things needed to make that happen.)

It's often hard to ferret out whether "DVD" refers to the physical media, 
the DVD contents, or the HMC Load from DVD/FTP-related functions.  But 
it's easy once you know how!  :-)

Reader's Comment Forms are always welcomed.  (E-mail your comments to 

Alan Altmark

z/VM and Linux on System z Consultant
IBM System Lab Services and Training 
office: 607.429.3323
mobile; 607.321.7556
IBM Endicott

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